Getting some more privacy

Are you renovating your house and want more natural light but plenty of privacy, too? Learn more about the right glass for your windows.

Getting some more privacy

Eco-Friendly Choices for a Kitchen Renovation

22 June 2016
, Blog

A home renovation can sometimes be very bad for the environment, as you or a contractor may use virgin materials that contribute to deforestation or that disturb the environment as they're harvested. However, with a bit of planning and research beforehand, you can find eco-friendly choices for your kitchen renovation without sacrificing style or function. Note a few suggestions here. Countertops and splashbacks Glass is a very good choice for kitchen countertops and splashbacks, as you can find recycled glass that is taken from other projects and which has been ground down and reformed.
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Different Types of Windshield Damage You May Encounter

14 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

A misconception that some drivers have is that damage that occurs on windshields is pretty much the same. The truth of the matter is that these chips and cracks come in an array of forms. The type of chip as well as the extent of the damage caused is what will determine whether you require glass repairs or emergency glass replacement. It should be noted that even the slightest damage to your vehicle's windshield should be looked at by a mechanic posthaste.
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Remodelling your bathroom for people with reduced mobility

13 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Reduced mobility can result due to various causes. It may be age that beats down on someone or an accident or injury that may render one disabled. Whatever the cause, the bathroom needs to be remodeled so as to adapt to the persons with reduced mobility in the home. You don't want any seniors or disabled persons falling around or injuring themselves in your bathroom. Fortunately, there are a couple of tricks you can have in your bathroom to make it easily accessible to people with reduced mobility.
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Simple Repairs to Common Problems With Your Home’s Wood Windows

6 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Some problems with your home's windows can be fixed with a few simple tools and a bit of know-how and patience. While a window repair person may be needed in certain cases, you might try a few of these simple repairs first to see if this addresses the problems you're having with your home's wood windows. Remember, however, that if your home's window has broken glass, you want to leave that repair to a professional as pieces stuck in the window frame can easily fall out when least expected.
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Types of Glass Panes You Can Consider For Window Glass Replacement

31 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When looking for window glass replacement, you will find that there is an array of options to choose from. To ensure that you are making the most ideal choice for your residence, it would be prudent to know what the different types of glass can offer you. Here are some of the various types of glass panes that you can consider for window glass replacement. Gas filled window panes This type of window glass replacement is popular due to the high thermal performance it offers homes.
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About Me
Getting some more privacy

I love how much light our house gets, but the people who were living before us must have been very open with the whole street knowing what they were up to at all times. I've never lived somewhere where so many rooms have really large windows - including the bathroom! We are slowly getting the glass replaced from plain glass panes into frosted and patterned glass so that we keep getting all of that lovely light in but so that the whole neighbourhood doesn't get to see us. This blog has before and after picture of the rooms in our house as we do the glass replacements.
